Prishov by hour. The Crown box of the trohi m'yatii, the ale itself trimach at the boxes to lie at the false, that in tsyliy.
Tactile, even though it is worth it, the corps is not known, do not play with an unfettered smell.
The phone trima good, ale treba trohi, when you have a deposit in trimachi, but on the sides of the trimachi do not hang around the phone case. The mekhnizm itself is not even greater than rukhomi, ale I take 20-30 times the vikorstannya Vin to be turned and the phone will be on the sides. A hook for the crack won the great Diapazon of the visuvannya, who twisted the kiltse on the trimachi itself, could be bisunuti, and I would like to pull in the hook, we ourselves zafiksuvavshi trimach on the restitsi.
Instead of the garny trimachus and on the viglyad, and tactile and functionally. In Koschtuy his pennies on all 100%.